Tuesday 31 May 2016

Judge McJudgy-pants

Here's something mind-blowing to consider - If your kid's school wants to make a time to see you then it's pretty damn important. So much so that you might want to consider taking that sick leave or making alternative arrangements for your other kids. Because here's the secret........no teacher ever really wants to meet the parents of their students. True story. Not even the parents of the good kids.(yeah, whatever. Of course they're ALL good kids....insert sarcasm....) In an ideal world we would report on the students twice a year about how wonderfully hard they're working and how their manners are incredibly perfect.

Recently I've had a couple of incidents where the parents would like me to organise a meeting 'after hours' because they're employed and awfully important in their role. A little truth for those parents -

1. I have a job too and it finishes before yours. I don't get paid for staying back to accomodate you, nor am I encouraged to do that. Government schools and teaching unions have a strained relationship as it is. I chose my career path. You chose yours. I still haven't managed to get the furniture delivery guy to deliver at my convenience. See where I'm going with this?

2. I also have children. And I'm a single parent. And your children don't get to impact on my children. My children outrank yours. I already have to work full time to support them. That's enough hours in the day. As a parent I won't agree to taking more of my time away from them.

3. Your kids are also your job. And I think you're role is awfully important in their life. What message are you sending them when they're in serious trouble but you don't show up?

Having ranted (yes, thanks. I do feel a little better), educational institutions don't always get right.
When my boy was 5 and I was working full time in social services, I received a call from the Principal of his school. There's a call to dread - the PRINCIPAL wanted to see me immediately. And no, he would not discuss it over the phone. That's it. My kid must have murdered someone! The teacher? Another student? Big Ted? Turns out he kissed a little girl on the cheek and the mum of that little girl was furious and wanted an apology. Not sure why I had to apologise. My boy did the kissing.

My point is (yes, I have one) that as a single working mum I get your pain. It's freaking hard to organise time away, and the pressure you might cop from your boss or colleagues can be unpleasant. But we're grown ups. We'll deal. Don't let your kid deal with their mistakes alone. As a single working mum - and a teacher - I'm judging you.

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