Thursday 2 June 2016

My Two Brains

I am lucky enough to possess my teenage brain. It sits alongside my grown-up brain and allows me to understand lots of things that the one brained population can't remember any more. For example, I remember how the world ends when you break up with your boyfriend. I can remember the tedium of having to listen to speeches about how important education is and how it's going to affect the rest of your life. I know that the worse your language is when you're pissed off, the more angry you really are, and you aim to hurt the other person badly for hurting you first.

My grown up brain does different things. Like, I know that if my boss is being a tool, it's better to smile and nod.....and go home and rant to my bestie. I also know that a year isn't so long to wait for something I really want. My grown up brain also takes control of my ability to get out of bed at ridiculous o'clock and to put my kids needs before my own. It's a pretty spectacular organ all said.

I endeavour to keep my two brains operating on separate levels. One is for understanding my clientele (teenagers) and the other is for acting appropriately. Not everyone gets two brains. Some remain with a single teenage brain they're whole life - the type that thinks the world owes them a living and  doesn't consider the risks before acting. Some just get the evolved adult version and never learn to relate to their kids.

I do have the occasional the time I a set a small fire in the living room involving alcohol and a wedding dress (definite teenage brain moment - the long version of the story is in Bride Everlasting; third time lucky?) ........and then there's the odd work moment where my teenage brain has to go into bat with the teenage brain of my students.

"Miss, my brother said you even swore at him you were so mad!" - whoops! Yeah, that was me. But it  made an impression if he's still talking about it.

Teenage brain vs teenage brain FTW.

Sorry, boss. I'll try not to let it happen again.

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